
10 Ways To Survive Bus Travel In Thailand

If you really lived in Thailand bus, so you can see the sense of obligation to make a refrigerator that travel at high speed with blown speakers quite strange noises in your direction. Of course, not bus in Thailand Travel is well and good. But sometimes, here are 10 things you can do to prepare for such a scenario, in which:

1. Find a lecturer in the English language is a bus stop full information about their actual destination, where it stops, departure time, and so on.

2. Wear appropriate clothing - it can get cold on the bus. Something big way (and easy) to go cooler!

3. Remember that before. Generally, the bus (tour) I know that the right to leave as planned at the bus timetables. Minivans are a different story - that's all, even when it's time.

4. Make sure that the buses with bathrooms (long trips) are equipped. Bathrooms some vehicles, a small room, confined space, that the power of the comb is required. However, it is important - buses will not stop if you need to go.

5. Ear plugs may help (or noise-canceling headphones.) If the Thai TV comedy and looks forward to a strong - very strong!

6. Bring refreshments and snacks (or drink) if you are hungry, uncomfortable on long trips.

7. Get ready in the night (long distance) trips. You can not believe that you are in Thailand, but you can pull a hat his eyes, his coat and the bag is easier to travel by bus to sleep at night.

8. Travel safely. Apparently things, but fooled no one, not only by each other.

9. Book in advance if a particular trip. Usually you can go buy a ticket on an open top bus at any time. If you are unsure, ask the Thais and help.

10. Fun. Be polite and helpful. And remember, a smile on every step of the way in Thailand!

There are 10 things that might be useful before the bus trip for 12 hours of fun. The most important thing to remember is that if you are unsure, ask. (You can ask, different people until you find the answer you want!) And "to make significantly better for those on the bus in the wrong direction.

